My kids loved the IQ testing! I agree with what Cricket said about the IQ testing. It can go both ways. It is nerve racking waiting for the results. We didn't approach the school until after we had results. It was probably a lot less stress as nothing was really riding on it. My ds scores did come out inline with his explore testing. I do have friends that have been quite disappointed. Above grade level results are more suggestive than similar scores on grade level testing to me.

My ds came home since my last post. I asked if he would choose a different route now that he has done this crazy schedule and 2 schools at once. He said, "No way, I have the best of both worlds." For him our situation just works and for others the our situation would not work at all. He said if you skipped me early it would have been great but once I was really connect to my friends I would have really been lonely. He feels anything after 4th grade would have been hard for him. I would really get down to the nitty gritty of your DS's feelings on the topic. I would probably wait for results and the schools reaction before having the conversation. We knew the school would probably give us what we asked for by the time we really pushed for it. We had one of his subject skips before the testing but neck breaking pace of the last 1 year or so was post testing.

For me as a parent the testing was really helpful in understand my kiddos. I was really clueless or in denial anyway about how different he was from his peers. It help us as parents advocate for him with more conviction. For my dd6 it has been just as enlightening as she presents very different than ds13 does. I know that wait stinks, but I think you might find it very helpful in understanding your ds.

Glad your ds enjoyed the testing. It's good for it to be a positive for him.