You know, these boards make me feel pretty good about our local public school. My child does not report being bored. Although in 2nd grade and capable of 6th grade math concepts, the teacher tests speed. Most of the class is working on mastering memorizing addition and subtraction math facts -- how fast and how many can they do in one minute? how fast and how many can they do on a timed race the computer? But if, as in our case, your child is ready to race in division and multiplication, then that's what he or she will do instead. I feel that learning these route concepts is incredibly helpful to a mind that does not get stuck on and that really "gets" how numbers "fit". Meanwhile at home we can do math "insights" and franctions or even explore Pi and other concepts like square roots or base numbers. The teacher also lets the kids work independently at their own level on math worksheets. And finally, on reading, she let's our child read whatever she wants from the library and she is setting up a book club for the strongest readers.

All this tells me - it is all about the teacher. I am very grateful to our teacher this year!

But last year was what will be next year?

Let's hear it for the gifted teachers!