Now I just need to work up the nerve to apply to DYS. I am still not sure my guys are the brand of gifted for which DYS is looking. Sent the first email to the first grade teacher requesting acceleration in math today. Expect both the school and my son to be less than enthused (to give them credit, though, they were great about math acceleration for my oldest). I know I should be used to this process now, but it still just isn't easy (which is why it would be great to have DYS help). Here we go again! FWIW, did any of you with similar scores have luck with DYS? In particular, with these scores, would you recommend getting achievement scores or building a portfolio. The older boy (in third) just got a pretty siginificant math MAP score (well, I think it is - 135?). Any guidance is greatly appreciated. This forum was so helpful and kind to me when I posted two years ago about my oldest. Thanks in advance!