Originally Posted by Dude
Having a preferred mode of thinking is a whole different thing.

And apparently, it's a different thing that actually has scientific support:


A University of Pennsylvania psychology study, using functional magnetic resonance imaging technology to scan the brain, reveals that people who consider themselves visual learners, as opposed to verbal learners, have a tendency to convert linguistically presented information into a visual mental representation.

The more strongly an individual identified with the visual cognitive style, the more that individual activated the visual cortex when reading words.

The opposite also appears to be true from the study’s results.

Those participants who considered themselves verbal learners were found under fMRI to have brain activity in a region associated with phonological cognition when faced with a picture, suggesting they have a tendency to convert pictorial information into linguistic representations.

I would say that, if you hear or read verbal information, convert it into imagery, and learn from it, you're still learning verbally, even while still employing a preferred visual processing mode. Or vice-versa.