I have three that could be identified as "gifted" depending on your definition. My older two have been identified by the school system based on COGAT (they both had the same composite percentile but a very different subscore profile). My youngest has not yet been tested by the schools but we have independent WISC scores for all three. Their FSIQs are slightly more than a 10 point spread, but mine with the lower score has motor/visual integration issues, which likely impacted her testing (e.g. block design).

That being said, the one with the lowest WISC score has a significantly higher VCI than both her sisters. And for what it's worth, I even questioned whether the one with the highest WISC was gifted at all. In other words, not all gifted children, even siblings, are gifted in the same way.

Last edited by revmom; 03/14/13 06:10 AM.