My four are all gifted, but definitely express it differently. The youngest is very typical of the youngest child - charming, empathetic, social, and just a tad lazy (or at least not as driven). I've definitely had teachers say (verbatim), "Wow, I forget how smart is he" because - he's a goofball, he's such a social butterfly, all he talks about is sports, etc... this is usually after they see some test scores! Although he hasn't had IQ testing, he rocks pretty much every test he's had, from the EXPLORE to the CogAT. Each of my kids was different- the oldest, PG perfectionist, the second very verbal people pleaser, the quiet mathy one, and the baby. TRY not label them. I think dh's brother still has his hackles up about dh being "the smart one" (his advanced engineering degrees and great professional success notwithstanding, BIL is still viewed as the social one, not the smart one, by his clueless family).