Okay, so I don't know if this has anything to do with giftedness but I think the approach to dealing with it does.

DS5 is nightly, for last month, crying, stressing, freaking out, and asking questions about death.

We don't know anyone that died; he just had the realization that we are not forever. I've tried to answer questions about God. Part of me worries about when he hears about differing religious views now though, because it will call into question all the things I've told him. And I'm sure that in his reading he will come across words like atheism, or reincarnation that I will have to explain. I'm glad we are not atheist, because at this stage, there is no way I could comfort and calm him down with that one. In his mind, nothing after, would be the worst possible thought.

How do we deal with this? Being honest is hard at this age...I hate scaring him even more. I try to be as honest as possible, but sometimes what I say works him up into a bigger frenzy. And he asks so many questions I don't have answers for. How am I supposed to explain that we know what we know?

So I am hoping, that in light of his intelligence and ability to ask the deep questions, there is a best way to handle this.
Experience and your insights greatly needed.

I know all kids probably go though this stage, but is five early? And should it just pass after a few months - hopefully??