Hi Polarbear,
His scores were as follows :
FISQ 117
VCI 114 PRI 119 WMI 116 PSI 97
Nothing really stands out like it did for my older DS who had a huge spread between his numbers.They seem nicely grouped together except for the PSI which is slightly lower (CD was 8, SS 11).

WJ-III percentile scores were 99+ for all Math subtests.
For Reading - Letter word id was 99+%
Passage comprehension 95%
Reading fluency 95%
Reading Vocabulary 88%

He was not given the written section for some reason.
The psychologist didnt give any real helpful information except that we continue doing what we are doing and work with a timer to help him with his attention and processing speed.
I have asked for grade equivalent scores - I just have his Standard scores and Percentile so I think his scores are normed for his age.Maybe I am overthinking it -the 99+/95 for a 6 yo is probably not as great as it seems on paper.Thanks for letting me pick your brain again.