Originally Posted by Sweetie
Not only what they have been exposed to (large part of it) but also some ability to make connections to what they already know (some creative/intuitive educated guessing).
Thanks - The reason I was asking is DS2 who is 6.5 yo was tested recently WISC and WJ-III achievement. His WISC scores were average but his schievement scores were much higher. Broad Math and Math Reasoning were both 99+%. Broad Reading and Reading comprehension were 98 and 95% respectively.He works with a math tutor 2 hours each week so that would explain his math scores. Reading is just what he does at our public school. Yes he loves to read but not hours each day maybe a small chapter book a week. He finished the Magic Tree house books a few months ago but his reading interest has greatly reduced since then. I was wondering why his scores were so high especially in reading compared to his IQ scores. It is interesting to see how much even 2 hours of enrichment per week make.

Last edited by rachsr; 03/06/13 02:44 PM.