Thanks all. I knew you guys would get it - I am sure it is a very common experience of parents of 2e children. It's just so annoying.

Originally Posted by master of none
Absolutely, the second grade classroom teacher actually shook her head while pointing to her brain and mouthed, "there's nothing there". Meanwhile, the math teacher said he was one of the highest kids in her advanced class. If you can build things well in elementary, it does seem to come together in middle school though.

Oh my goodness, MON, I think I would have punched her in the face!

Originally Posted by ABQMom
It's almost like the three blind men describing the elephant - they only see a small piece of a picture and decide that is the entire picture.

Yup - my friend who is Buddist told me this same tale when I was telling her about the challenges with DS! smile I love that parable!

Originally Posted by BSM
Just my opinion, but I think it is great to let kids explore their interests and passions. Teachers tend to want all kids on the same level, as that make their jobs easier. And may even reflect on their evaluations based on how the kids do on standardized exams. But in reality, kids are all over the map, especially at the early ages.

While it is always worthwhile to maintain a positive relationship with teachers, I would encourage you to follow your own parenting sense.

Agreed BSM!

Last edited by marytheres; 02/28/13 07:00 PM.