@mon, thanks for reminding me to deal with the immediate issue. Heck, I have a teacher working with my kid to try and meet her needs right now. Shouldn't I be doing back flips?

I am feeling that high school is looming and that math is just one piece of the problem. DD does well at everything but her two passion areas are music and math. I feel like those are the two areas that I need to make sure the high school will nurture. Our high school also supposedly has a good music program.

@colomom Our high school is huge (1800+ students) with about 200 kids per year who start the IB program. I have my reservations about DD doing IB because of the amount of work and the seeming lack of flexibility. She will have a large say in which path she takes. She will have a lot of outside pressure to do IB. Her friends do not live in our articulation area. If they decide to go to our high school which is considered one of the best in the area, their only option is IB. A lot of kids drop IB before they have to fully commit to the program (I believe that this is between sophomore and junior year). I just get the impression that if you are a smart kid and you are not in IB then you are treated as a second class citizen. Maybe this isn't as big of a deal in junior/senior year when more of the smart kids have dropped out of IB.