Agreed-- the only reason why "public school" works at all for DD13 is that she has the option to do her various classes at HER pace-- now, to stay in synch with the class itself, she tends to do a week of Honors German on Mondays, and to do AP Physics only two or three times a week (not the smaller amounts of material every day).

Virtual schooling isn't perfect by any means, but it can allow for a flexibility in pacing that is still necessary even after multiple accelerations.

HG+ kids definitely follow a different CURVE entirely when it comes to their academic development and the pacing that results.

It's like trying to fit a polynomial expression with a linear model-- you might be able to follow it sort of acceptably well for a while... but then you'll need a new linear model when the polynomial starts to deviate from the linear model. KWIM?

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.