My DS 5 PG is accelerated 1 grade in private school. If it weren't for the effort of the teacher giving him work SOMEWHAT close to his level it wouldn't make a difference that he is accelerated.

Frankly, I think it is ridiculous that your kiddo has to sit through the same work sheets when he is so much more advanced. They do not make my DS do the work the other kids do. When the class is doing sight words DS is writing stories. He does completely different math that the rest of the class.

I can see being on a scholarship might make you feel uncomfortable asking for things, but they have a GEM in your son and it should be in their interest to nurture the incredible potential in him. Kids like him don't come along very often and they are lucky to have him at their school.

So, to answer one of your questions, not sure a 1 grade acceleration would do much. I would instead focus on getting them to subject accelerate. Esp.if he gets along with the kids in class.

Last edited by 1111; 02/23/13 03:20 PM.