So to update some issues I raised in previous threads about DS5:

Timed math tests? Not a problem. He just tries to get more done than he did the week before. His teacher made it optional too. He can choose another math activity if he would rather not do it.

Getting work done and earning (or not earning) free time? I talked to his teacher and she is going to send home some of the writing work. He only attends a few hours a day so doing a worksheet or something with me or his sitter in the morning before school isn't a big deal.

Still on the wait list for the Eides. For about a week he was moved from a fall appointment to mid-May but when I pointed out he would still be five, they put it back to the fall after he turns six. They want to test with the WISC.

In a previous post I was worried that the teachers thought I was some turbo stage mom that couldn't accept that my kid was doing average / below average work because he is a below average / maybe a bit spoiled kid. I was way wrong here. They think he is brilliant and agree that he is probably dyslexic. They also think he is making a lot of progress and working hard. They are glad we are seeking an assessment and continuing with the OT. I also learned that his teacher's daughter is a PhD chemist and dyslexic. I think they "get" him even if he is difficult to motivate sometimes.

Which brings us to the decision to have him repeat K. Where he is going is working out okay and we want to maintain this balance at least until we get the recommendations from the assessment. I realize it is an uncommon move for a gifted kid but I think it will work out.

First, this isn't a normal K class. They work ahead in all areas and every student is on their own plan each week. He will just keep moving along at his pace without any repeat. The science and cultural material will change so it will be completely new. There also might be a few kids repeating and he has a few friends coming up from the preschool. So the gifted and social aspects of school are met with the current situation.

The dyslexia or other E issues will likely be addressed outside of his regular school with remediation specialists/therapists. The K class has a half day option which might make this easier. That isn't to say that the school doesn't want to be involved, just that it is too small to have special Ed teachers. Like with our OT, he doesn't do it at school but we all collaborate when necessary.

So that is where we are at this point.

Thanks for all the support and advice that has helped me get through this year.