I agree with using the electronics thing as a way of learning about themselves early on. I used to try and not have the electronics when she was younger, but once they're in school, especially from 2nd grade on, absolutely everyone uses something and it's part of "being in on the conversation" or having a community topic to discuss if all else fails. There are even some kids she's had playdates with that you can't get to play outside no matter what (if they're not your kids you can't really throw them out the door, LOL) so they end up playing XBox something or other.

We did have trouble in 2nd grade because the teacher let kids bring their DS to school for indoor recess. DD doesn't have one, and if she did she wouldn't have been allowed to bring it to school because she even had her crayons and jacket stolen! Besides I didn't agree with the teacher allowing it because some kids have families who could afford that stuff and some didn't. But all winter DD went on about it.

I'm glad that people here think that 8-10 year olds and above still need assistance with transitions and timing things, that makes me feel better about where DD is these days.

Last edited by bzylzy; 01/27/13 02:29 PM.