FYI: We just filed our Dept of Ed complaint. Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of the IEP meeting where things started to deteriorate. (Actually the meeting was fine - it was the follow up where things went wrong.) I tried all last week to make one last ditch effort to meet with the superintendent to address our concerns before we file. She could not give me an appointment before tomorrow so our decision was made. The complaint had to be filed today in order to take that meeting into account.

Tomorrow morning we meet with the superintendent. Tomorrow afternoon we meet with a special ed attorney. Next week I meet with a NYC attorney to see what the process would be to allow DD to attend the 2E school there. The same day DD's psych is doing a classroom observation to help determine if it is reasonable to consider keeping her in a public school classroom (in our home district or elsewhere) or if we HAVE to seek OOD placement. All of this is beyond what the gifted advocate can help with. Heck it feels like more than I can help with...

So while it is all exhausting and overwhelming I honestly feel that we will have left no stone unturned and whatever we end up doing it will be the result of a well thought out plan. I will keep you posted...