We've had good luck with our DS7. One thing we noticed is strange patterns of what types of foods he'd eat, like wanting almost all proteins, then realizing a couple of weeks later he's had a growth spurt. That led to the realization that natural instincts are pretty sharp in a kid if they don't get broke.

With that in mind and given he is smart and articulate and undestands the role of food (and based on our childhood and adult experiences with unrealistic food interactions), it was decided to let him become his own best advocate on what and how much to eat.

Critical to this is he can always say he doesn't want to eat a particular food, and we have known foods he likes as alternatives so he can have a balanced meal. He understands balance. We never use dessert or treats as rewards or punishments. We also watch some cooking shows together, and he'll help out in the kitchen.

If he says he's full or doesn't like something, then we discuss it and talk through what exactly it is. Sometimes the tastes are too complex. Sometimes it's a strange texture. Sometimes the color looks wrong.

I don't know that it would work for everyone.