I had to pass on one of the most idiotic comments I think I have ever heard. My father's wife is a very interesting person to say the least and tonight on the phone she shared one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. I was explaining to her about how we were concerned about our 5 year olds feelings about being different from everyone else in his montessori preschool...the other day he told me, "mommy why am I so different from everyone else, no one likes to play with me." It broke my heart. What do you do with a child who wants to learn about how to write messages in morse code while the other kids(who are 3, 4, and he's the only one who is 5) want to play dollhouse?? Anyways, she told me, "well have you ever taught him how to hold himself back?" I didn't understand what she meant so I asked her to explain...she said that it would be a good thing to teach him how to hold himself back on what he shares and says with others so that he can fit in better with the group. She then went on to explain that it was a good skill for any very gifted or bright person to learn since there are many people in the world that just wouldn't be able to understand them otherwise. I was floored!!!! I then told her that no, I would never, ever consider teaching my child to "hold himself back". I want to teach him that he can always be himself no matter what anyone else thinks and that he is wonderful just the exact way that he is. Has anyone else come across ignorant people that have said similar things???

Last edited by Belle; 04/24/08 05:54 PM.