Originally Posted by ultramarina
A good reminder. I'm working on this when looking over DD's work packets. This time she brought home a ton of 43/45, 10/11, 18/20, etc. In almost all cases, the points off were careless errors...but you know, just one or two. I know she could get 100% on almost all of it, but I congratulated her on a good packet of work." More importantly, there was no "I tanked this because I panicked/didn't read directions" work.

Yep, sounds familiar. I was that guy who could work through a complex trig problem, hit all the operations exactly right, and end up with the wrong answer because somewhere along the line I didn't carry a one, or slipped in a 9 / 3 = 2.

What's interesting is that this could happen whether I slowed down or not. And checking my answers had a less than 50% chance of catching it, because I had already laid the path to the wrong answer, and it was all too easy for my brain to follow it again.

So yeah... going fast doesn't quite explain it for me. I think it's more of a forest over trees type thing. I just don't notice the details sometimes.

The most effective method for me to catch errors is to stay at my normal pace, but use some time after to check the answer using a different process.