My DD9 also has a high processing speed. It was really high (99%)when she was younger. However, after years and years of teachers telling her to slow down on her work, it has gone down, but still relatively high(92%).

Mine had a tendency to rush through things, and made careless mistakes. The teachers always made her keep a book with her so she could read whenever she finished class assignments. Needless to say she ended up doing a lot of reading. In the earlier grades, she had some of the prettiest papers around because she too finished her papers first and then had a lot of time to color them and make them pretty. shocked

When DD was 6 and took the WISC-IV, she was able to nail the coding and symbol search portions of the test. The tester had said that one was a two minute test and that she could not turn the pages fast enough for DD, so she let her take over the test at her speed. DD finished with 40 seconds to spare. The tester had never seen anything like it, and she had been testing for over 30 years.

Because she processed things so rapidly, it has made her a very fast learner and a high achiever in school. We put her in piano when she turned 6, and she memorizes songs almost instantaneously. Mine shows MG ability and HG achievement, with strengths in writing and math. She was accepted into DYS.

She has not played the game "Spot It", but is very good at Pictureka and the I Spy type books and games.

When you DD turns 6, you may want to consider ability and achievement testing. That will help substantiate any hidden talents and her fast processing speed.

Good luck!