Originally Posted by ColinsMum
'Perfectionism' is one of those terms with a slippery definition - what does it mean to you, and what difference will it make whether this is or isn't?

I was reading another thread on "how much to push" or something and sort of had an 'AHA' moment. Maybe it's not that he's not motivated, but that he's scared of not being perfect. I think you approach those things as a parent in different ways. I'm not sure yet how.

I've really never thought of him as a perfectionist. My view of perfectionism is not sloppy, ill-done work, but work with lots of effort and done correctly and neatly and in an organized way. I guess that's the way MY perfectionism works. I never considered sloppiness as "wanting to be perfect".

Maybe realizing this means backing off on some things and offering more support instead of trying to motivate. I'm not sure. I'll have to do some real thinking about this. Meanwhile, I'm all ears for suggestions.


What I am is good enough, if I would only be it openly. ~Carl Rogers