Thanks for all the responses. All good food for thought. We did give some thought to Masterman, but it seems that 5th grade is virtually the only entry point. When dd was in 4th grade (when we would have had to apply), I had trouble imagining her at Masterman. It sounds like a fairly intense, competitive place. I thought it would be a tough transition to go there from our fun, unschooly life. And I don't think any of us felt quite ready to stop homeschooling.

This year, she is taking classes through CTY, Mizzou, and onlineG3, and is involved with a great group of EG/PG homeschoolers, so I can imagine our current situation continuing to work for right now. Unfortunately, there aren't any boutique options as far as I know except for a few very alternative schools that I don't think would be quite right. So for now, I think our choice will be between homeschooling and one of these Friends schools, or a similar school.

Thanks again!