
It is very frustrating. I don't have any words of wisdom for you. My son's school says he is "barely gifted" with a IQ on the WISC of 131. But on the achievement tests, he is 99.8 and 99.9 %. The psych thinks it may be a fluke and the school doesn't want to look at the achievement part at all. It is very hard to know what to do.

I'm amazed that she tested your DS for so long (2 sessions of 1 1/2 hours)! My guy is 6 1/2 and she did both tests in under 2 1/2 hours.

So, I guess I got sidetracked but I do understand how frustrating it all can be. I can't even imagine how the SPD complicates things for you.

"My little guy is a perfectionist and is not a self-motivator - not a good mix!!" Sounds just like mine.

Two suggestions:
- check Hoagies website ( on the assessment page. They list psychs who have experience with gifted kids - you might find one in your area

- check the GDC ( - they offer some consultation services; it is expensive but it might be worth it if you could just send them what you have and then talk to someone on the phone to get some help

I found someone on Hoagies that we are using as a consultant because our psych can't really explain things and won't make any school recommendatons. The consultant is "in our area" but in Texas that is a relative term. We're going to talk on the phone Monday and go from there. Hang in there.