DS9 is very much an engineer in the making. He has already decided he wants to go to MIT, major in aeronautical engineering, and work for NASA. He builds and takes things apart incessantly. He does pre-algebra for fun. He has an above-average reading level, but the problem is that he HATES reading. His language arts grades are okay, but not great. Because his level is so high, I doubt there is a disability or anything, but he just hates it. His teacher asks that he read thirty minutes per day. He sits there staring at the book, but never turns a page. If I ask him what happened in the book (even the ones HE picks out because they looked interesting to him) he makes something up, and it's so convincing that I believe him unless it's a book that I read as a kid.
I'm not asking for him to be an avid reader, or even volunteer to read. All I'm asking is that he focus on the book for the thirty minutes that he agreed to do for his homework. Any suggestions on how to do this?