So we had our court hearing today. Everything went great. My XH has been asked by the court to start helping with the driving to/from school for my DD.

The judge specifically asked him about the paragraph mentioned above and found my DD is not "being pushed" too much. Can you believe my XH thought the Davidson Young Scholar was an on-line school? I think he is a little confused with CTY.

The judge said he could see I was a very smart women and warned him that Harvard might be calling on my dd at a very early age. I think he (the judge) is a little bit in awe at my dd's acomplishments. He questioned me about my dd being in the .1% and seemed really impressed. He tried to convey those feelings to my XH but was not sucessful.

Anyway, Custody didn't change except for he now has to pick up my dd from school on days he has visitation instead of me picking her up and driving her to his home. I still hold final decision making on any academic or legal issues. All in all everything went well. I think the judge trusts me more when it comes to making academic decisions for my dd as my XH looks clueless when that is concerned.

Last edited by bianc850a; 04/22/08 07:34 PM.