Since you get a regular conference in December anyway, I think you should just ask if they can schedule extra time for it since you have some extra things to discuss, and offer to have it at an earlier time if the teacher is worried about fitting a longer conference in amongst all the other students' conferences. That way you don't come off as overly concerned but you still get the extra time you need.

To me, it sounds like the school is doing quite a lot and that you may not be able to get them to commit to doing more for your DD. BUT, I think it's important for you to let them know where your DD truly is with academics. Since the school seems willing to attempt to meet your DD's needs, maybe they just need a more accurate picture of her than they are seeing in school. It certainly wouldn't be unheard of for a girl to hide her true abilities from her teachers and classmates.

As far as what to do on your Fridays, I would pick fun learning opportunities that could never be offered in a school setting - something entirely independent of what goes on in the classroom. For instance, lots of fieldtrips to places that even your 2-year-old would love, like zoos, aquariums, IMAX movies, science museums, parks, music classes, gymnastics classes, etc. Then you could focus on her reading the signs at these places and having her retell what they say, perhaps even interpreting what the signs say for your toddler. You can bring in learning about geography (e.g., where the animals are from)or mental math. Lots and lots of cooking and baking is also a good option. She could read the recipes to you, measure the ingredients, mix them together, bake them, and provide a snack for the whole family. That's a great way to work on fractions, adding and multiplying, telling time, etc. Another option would be private music lessons, which also brings in math concepts. Also, as always, lots of reading is great - by herself, to you, to her sibling, to the dog. The stories can serve as jumping off places for your other activities, or you could encourage her to retell the stories to you or your toddler. You could encourage her writing and/or typing skills by having her write or e-mail family members about what she's up to. Finally, shopping (which you're probably having to do on Fridays anyway) is great for all kinds of math and writing (e.g., making lists). Just anything experiential that would be fun for all three of you.

She thought she could, so she did.