Ok, my daughter's in K, 5.5yo. She had a sub for the first six weeks as the regular K teacher had a baby in June. So we've really had to be patient.

DD has been reading for most of her life and loves language. But lately she's been obsessed with math. Yesterday she's munching cereal after school and tells me out of the blue that even times odd makes an even. She asks math questions randomly throughout the day. I went over a few patterns like that one and she later could totally figure -2 times -2 is 4 (she asked it and I told her to answer and she did). So she's able to figure adding, subbing, and now some multiplication. She can skip count to 100 by 5s, 10s, 50s, has been exploring the patterns of counting by twos and threes, and really seems excited by and interested in it all. She counts on her fingers for some adding and subtracting and multiplying but also has started tricks of going by a similar easier number or grouping... She's understood negatives for a good while. Last night she figured out 7 times 3 just for kicks at bedtime. We've been doing miquon for fun, red and orange book pages. She used to love dreambox but I think decided it was too hard (it was so repetitive and perfectionistic...).

She gets individualized math but nothing at this level. No adding even. I like that she's getting measuring, and scales and I'm hoping telling time later. But she's also getting things like counting numbers 1-20 (finally more than 10).

This is a charter that's based on gifted education goals and differentiation. It's open to all, though. The teacher has told me what's great is I can adapt the assignments and just do whatever on the homeschool days (every Friday and some others). But DD has asked for a bit more challenge at school. She overall loves it, the routines, the other girls, the fun teachers etc. I've got a demanding toddler and honestly DD is intense so this is a nice balance for us right now.

She definitely needs help with comprehension in reading and gets group interaction with a focus on that... I know she's got to sit through the class instruction on sight words etc so I'd like her individualized stuff to meet her at her level most of the time.

I guess I'm just talking myself into scheduling a conference. We met in late Oct and will again in Dec but I think we need more time. Just for me to really know what's going on in the classroom and what the plan is for the year so I can have stuff planned for homeschool days... And yes, to advocate for more for DD. Out of level assessments? They work a lot with first grade but that means she "buddy reads" with an ok older
reader... Also I was told her reading level was 26, which sounded about right, she's been reading easy chapter books from 3-6th grade for a good while but they have to be simpler for comprehension... But then I heard here a lot of K assessments go up just to 26, so...?!

DD loves literary terms like personification and irony and chiasmus, it was her previous obsession. She's scared of being alone lately, especially in the bathroom, so she never goes and limits drinking at school. She's reportedly very well behaved and helpful. She will follow the instructions even when we've told her she doesn't have to, they are for kids still learning to read and write, she can write more... It's slow going there.

Again, I'm mostly trying to psych myself up for politely asking for more. But any insight from you all would be appreciated. If you had a kid like this, or just what you think. We haven't done testing, so I'm flying a bit blind. Thanks!