Originally Posted by intparent
"For example, just 1000 of the NMSF students were Jewish yet 3000 got into the top 3 Ivies. That means that 2000 of the non-Jewish NMSF were denied."

Is there an assumption here that all NMSFs apply to a top Ivy? My D is NMSF this year, and is not applying to any top Ivys (or MIT or Caltech). And she is not the only one... of the four NMSFs at her high school, I think only one is applying to ANY ivys. One is applying ED to Reed, one is going to Michigan Tech on a scholarship, and D is hoping for a U of Chicago admit. There is one boy who MIGHT apply to an Ivy, but I actually suspect that Carleton is his top choice. So that is, um... 0 to 25% of the NMSF pool at our high school applying to a top Ivy.

I'm very confused by that statement, too.

3000 meaning what? NMSF? Or Jewish students? Or something else entirely?

I'm clearly missing something in that statement.

Schr�dinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.