I think it is a higher priority for students to acquire background knowledge from survey courses (such as AP US History, AP European History, or AP World History) before they take specialized courses...
My son did a survey course of American history in 7th grade and another in 8th grade. He did a survey of world history in 6th grade. Effectively all kids do survey classes in middle school and again in early high school. How many survey classes are required before they can spend time going deeply into a subject? As I mentioned, though, if your goal is test prep, the courses I described in my OP are fine. Personally, though, I'm trying to raise kids who can analyze information from different sources, not kids who are test-prepped multiple choice warriors who will go forth unquestioning. YMMV.
What's wrong with the commercial mass market? That's what makes America great

Please tell me you're just yanking my chain here and not responding out of unquestioning ideology. Perhaps I'm just feeling too serious today?