I remember comparing LSAT scores at law school more than SAT scores in college.

This may be because I was in the honors program at a state school, so the group of students I was with was going to be significantly more intelligent than the general university.

In hindsight, I probably should not have attended a university that would admit someone as intelligent as my sisters, being that I'm pretty certain we have a 30 point IQ difference.

This is something that would have been nice to know, but when you're 18 your pretty much completely ignorant about how anything really works.

In any event this article is classic Salon and which is why I love reading Salon comments so to the extent that we are discussing this here, there needs to be some acknowlegement that it's Salon.

Even I have resisted the urge to join the commentariat at Salon because it's just too dangerous there.

Kind of like wandering through a bad part of town naked at midnight.