Originally Posted by master of none
Thanks for posting this. Makes me wonder how many parents feel this way, and what we can do to help them.

Let me answer, at the cost of perhaps making myself look foolish.

When my middle son had his IQ tested by the school (because of a minor speech impediment which has now cleared up), he scored in the 110s. When I saw the score I was saddened, telling my wife that this is not the type of IQ that typically gets someone into college X. She reasonably replied that it was too early to make such forecasts -- he was 6. I don't have reason to think his score was underestimated, and it is an above-average score, just not gifted (usually defined as 130+). He is not as smart as his older brother, nor is he as bookish. He will read for say an hour a day, if encouraged, while his older brother is a bookworm. He is doing fine in school. There is no gifted program for me to worry about his getting into, but I do think about to boost him academically. I wonder, for example, if he is the kind of kid, bright but not gifted, who can benefit from going to a private school?