Just looking over my son's scores as they are VERY similar to yours. He has the same characteristics that you describe - almost to a "T". He has a 62 point gap between VCI and PSI. Output in written form is very difficult for him.

One thing that really confounds me about my son is that for some with a low PSI small motor control is an issue. Although my son does have terrible chicken scratch handwriting he draws beautifully! How can someone have terrible handwriting and yet draw so well??

We have been homeschooling and just this year he started at the school at which my husband teaches. It is a part cyber, part in person program for gifted kids and a public charter school. It appears at this point that the written output area is going to cause some problems and we are looking to have him evaluated with more testing by the private psychologist who did the WISC IV in order to determine what accommodations to request.

I am very interested in any information you find!