
In 5th grade I was evaluated for our school's "Challenge" program (that's what they called it; typical pull out program) but wasn't admitted until 6th grade. This was in the late 70s, early 80s. From then on, I was in advanced track for Math + Science. I was one of those nerds who self-taught themselves how to program computers at age 11 smile After reading some of the books now as a parent, I look back on those days and I can see that a lot of times I wasn't challenged enough. I was probably on the lower end of the gifted spectrum, but I was still able to coast through a lot.

DW OTOH... was admitted to a special private school for a while. I believe she was on partial scholarship. She's one of those "went-to-college-dual-major-4-point-oh" students we all love to hate laugh

DS5 seems to be a real good mix of the both of us. He absolutely loves math, and is constantly asking to learn new math concepts. (I try to be very conscientious and not push but even still we get the "more, please tell me more" daily.) In fact, I love to talk with other parents to find out what type of math concepts/games they play with their kids. He just loves making up intricate math games... And DS5 haves a huge vocab and loves to read and do research (Space is the current obsession).

At any rate, both DS2 and DS5 have nearly photographic memory (well as compared to mine anyways)! There's a whole other story in here, but basically DS5 made a "booklet" of photos from wikipedia of something like 13 solar system objects. He has been showing his DS2 brother this and then the other day as DS5 quietly paged through the booklet, DS2 was identifying each object "meekery", "veenus", "eadth", "moon", "mars", "dupiter", etc. Very cute.

As any rate, it will be interesting to see what happens with DS2.