It's really really common for sibs to be 'gifted together' - the usual senario is that the second one is overlooked because they don't show it in exactly the same way.

Dottie says: 'Test one, test them all!" and I think she is right!

So what are you reading to get 'caught up' with the world of Gifted? ((wink))

I did invent ND, because I didn't want to call normal children 'average' which sounds mean, or imply that our children aren't normal. I really do see giftedness as a 'different than expected' developmental path, with it's own challenges and joys.

Someday all children will go to schools which teach them at their readiness level, and then we won't need the word 'gifted' at all.

JB - did you get 'identified' or 'accomidated' as a kid? Did DW?

Smiles and Glad you found us,

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