I feel for you as we have the same concerns with our DS8. He too is PG and doesn't feel like he fits in a lot. He is in a public school setting which makes things even more challenging at times because he feels quite different than the other students. He has already been grade skipped and is subject accelerated. He does enjoy school a lot and is fairly extroverted, and kids seem to like him for the most part. But he just misinterprets social situations and reads into things and makes generalizations. Like if a boy has a best friend DS will decide that they won't be his friend because they already have a friend. I am actually a school social worker so we have worked on different social skills and not making those quick judgments, but it's still a challenge. On nights where he thinks about it more he will tell me that he doesn't think that he will ever meet anyone that is truly like him or has similar interests. Or that he fears he will never have a best friend. He does have some friends of our family and church that he does things with and we have had a few playdates, plus he is involved in school events in which he interacts with others (chorus, math olympiad, chess club, etc.). so that helps a lot, but he does continue to feel isolated at times. I wish I had words of advice, but just continue to find ways for them to interact with others and help facilitate ways in which they can be with peers and bond through activities of similar interest. Hopefully at a school with HG kids they should find at least a few with similar interests that they can connect with. Being shy may make a little more organization and planning on your part then theirs. Good luck!