I also agree that it helps if parents get socially involved with other parents and their kids. Offer to take few kids to movies. Kids love to go to movies, works great with introvert parents and kids, as you do not need to interact much, and still everyone has fun. Sleepovers are greatly appreciated by other parents and kids love them too. Try to be involved in different school activities, so that you get to know the other kids and their parents. Both of my kids are athletic, but I have seen how kids who never were able to fit in, open up at my kids fencing club. Fencing is a sport where you need more thinking skills than athletic abilities to do ok, of course, to fence at national level you do need to be very athletic. Summer camps are another place to develop friendships. But also it is often parents who foster those relationships, keep them going after the camp. Your kids are still at the age where you can lead them and somewhat make decisions for them even when it comes to friendships.