So DS has always been the type of kid that seems to grow cognitively and academically in single leaps rather than in many incremental steps. He seems to be going through one of those right now. This summer he wanted nothing to do with math, reading, science or ANYTHING academic. At the beginning of the school year I started enforcing the reading each night thing again and he was doing so (sometimes reluctantly) reading from 2nd to 3rd grade level books. Over the last week or so though he has started reading out loud to me from books written at a 5th-6th grade level (Harry Potter and a few science books) with a fluency and comprehension that has surprised me. He also has pulled out a third grade math workbook and started teaching himself about fractions. Something seems to have "clicked" again and he just seems to be pushing full steam ahead once more.

At the same time, he has been having behavioral issues at school. Impulsiveness, talking out of turn, disrupting others in the classroom, having difficulty wiht peer interactions (making eye contact, joining in with classmates to play, etc...) Now all of these are things that have been problems off and on for as long as I can remember but they seem to be much more pronounced recently. His sensory issues seem to be on edge a lot lately as well.

My question is do any of you think that there can be a connection between these intellectual leaps and the increase in behaviors. To me it almost seems like he's been acting the way that he tends to when he's ill (everything is at a lower threshold) and I wonder if his brain, which he has difficulty regulating anyway, is just working overtime right now and possibly causing already existing problems to exacerbate? Any thoughts?