Hi there,
I think this may be long - sorry!
After some mental health problems my daughter was diagnosed with anxiety, and had also developed selective mutism. After an IQ test it was determined that her problems were a result of incorrect academic placement. Her score was all over the place ranging from <144 in one area (inc. ceiling), to down to the 90th in another, with a GAI of 138. She is not 2E, although I am querying ADD at the moment. However, after a year or so of helping us our ed consultant has since determined that her anxiety probably meant her testing was not terribly reflective of her abilities and I have no real idea of her level of giftedness. We grade skipped, with further subject acceleration; then moved to montessori; and finally home schooled. She started to improve greatly and has now started back at school p/t, but is there four years early in a gifted program - should be grade 4 but is in a grade 8 G&T class. I'm just struggling with what seems like the enormity of the acceleration, although dd is happy, and loves school. She's also achieving well and the school has made the suggestion that she moves to spend more hours there. I'm wobbling and am just after help or advice from anyone, please.
We're also playing back track on learning social skills (her first school suggested she had aspergers, but she doesn't), and are still dealing with a lot of rudeness which is defensiveness masked as arrogance. She can be quite rude and socially awkward which is draining as I'm trying to work this out through role play etc.
I'm just reaching out in the hope that someone can help! I'd be so grateful for any input anyone can provide?