OK, here are some cute kids stories from when he was 3 1/2:

We had rain that froze on top of snow outside. DS was outside, digging around, and he exclaimed, "I'm ice-cavating!"

At a birthday party for a preschool classmate, DS looks at the juice box he was handed and says, �it says no sugar added. That�s not what I like.� I had to convince him that there was still natural sugar in it so he would drink it. ugh!

DS was playing with some new word magnets on my mom�s refrigerator while we were in the other room, eating dinner. He called out, �I wrote something wise over here!� After dinner, I looked at the fridge and saw the word �something� next to four single y�s! I asked my mom and DH if they had shown him how to do that, but they had not.

While driving around the other day, I, being a dutiful parent who always points out emergency vehicles for inquisitive children to see, pointed out a police car to DS. He asked, �Why do you always slow down when you see a police car?� (For the record, I was slowing down because the cars in front of me were. This time!)

When I got the newspaper this morning (Sunday), I noticed that I had forgotten to change our clocks last night. I told DS about Daylight Saving Time, trying to explain why we had to turn the clocks back. He helped me do it, but kept saying he didn�t like it. I wasn�t sure why he didn�t like Daylight Saving Time. Finally he said, �I just like to waste time.�

At a playground, DS was in the baby swing when a younger child came toward the swings. I asked him to let her take a turn in the baby swing, but the girl�s grandma said she didn�t mind and the little girl happily went in the regular swing next to us. DS proceeded to explain to us why he liked the baby swings better. He said he liked how they vibrate when going fast. I thought this was interesting, but the lady next to us said she was amazed that he knew what the word vibrate meant. (It�s funny to me how he is still small enough to be in a bucket swing while saying these bigger kid things.)

I picked up DS from preschool, and his teacher told me the following: DS was showing a light up globe/wand for show-and-tell. Teacher asked him, �Where did that come from?� (expecting him to say the science museum or similar). DS looked at the toy, turning it around in his hands, and he said, �I�m not sure, but it says �made in china� so I guess that�s where it�s from.�

DS started preschool last week. When I dropped him off today, his teacher pulled me aside to tell a funny story. She was telling the kids about germs and how to sneeze in their shirts to avoid spreading germs. She told me that DS told her not to worry, the white blood cells will eat the germs that get in.

(sorry, this is kind of long. But I only included the first section of my list!) OK, someone else's turn!

Last edited by st pauli girl; 04/17/08 07:35 AM.