I think they're a little hung up on smart. I think they define themselves that way. I think they're so worried DS won't be smart enough that they can't perceive him very well. If he doesn't do things in e expected order, they're too busy worrying about what he "missed" to notice what he's DOING! If they want a smart kid, they got one. Part of the reason they can't hear his questions also appears to be that they don't actually have the background (like that birds really are related to dinosaurs, and that's not just a silly fantasy question... Even if most other kids would just have asked about flightless birds and left out the dinosaur part. He's not dumb because he understands some aspects of evolution. Jus' sayin')

I appreciate thhe advice to talk to them about it, but I think they don't understand what I'm saying. I've tried, is what I'm trying to say.

Evemomma, you said just what I feel... That I want them to care about my kids for being my kids, even (shock and horror) if they think they're dumb. I don't want things to be contingent on brilliance. And it gauls me a little extra because he actually happens to be smart.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!