I've been a team manager for the past two years, and think the program is wonderful for kids. I coached 1st and 2nd graders; K-2 are in the noncompetitive division. We met weekly as did another parent who coached a K team. You'll want to get a minimum of 10 meetings in before the tournament, so check your region's tournament schedule to figure out when you need to start by. I'll be truthful though - it is a lot of work! And DI started requiring there to be two team managers per team; I'm guessing that is for liability concerns. It makes the job as team manager easier, but requires another adult to make the commitment as well. I had no problem finding parents who wanted their child on my team -- but getting them to help out was a different matter.

My DD is in 3rd grade, and would be starting the competitive problem solving division this year. I'm not sure that I'm up to the commitment (time, space considerations) this year since a lot of teams start meeting now and our tournament isn't until March. Six months of weekly meetings is a lot!

I've held meetings at school one year, at my house the next year, and there are pros/cons either way. If your child is on someone else's team, please consider offering to help because it truly is a lot to take on as team manager.