Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Ahh, well, this was an ongoing point of disagreement with my OWN mom until the day she died, too.

Similarly, it was wrapped up in her own guilt for maybe not advocating enough for me. With the additional layer of her having been in a position of "should have known better" since she was an educator.

So we heard an endless litany of "She seems like a perfectly NORMAL ____ year old little girl to me..." complete with pointed, nasty looks at me, which was her passive-aggressive means of letting me know that I was Ruining My Child's Life Forever.

So no, I can offer sympathy. I can point out that there are probably some battles which cannot be won with any amount of truth or logic. But I can't tell you how to work this with your mom. If I knew, I'd have used it with my own. wink

Yes, I bet we would have lots of company! I guess I should be thankful, my mom is not passive-aggressive--she just flat out tells me, lol! And then when she doesn't listen to any truth or logic, it ends up going down the inevitable road of "I just won't say anything" ( grinnever going to happen!) or "I know, it is all my fault that you and your brother are underachievers" (It is not all her fault...but my daughter is very much like me (minus the 2E I think) and I get her, and my experiences do shed light on these decisions.)

I think I just need to give up on reason or logic and just accept that any stumbles, probably from now on, will attributed to the skip. (while knowing better myself) Sigh. Surely we will not do this stuff to our own daughters! Right?

Last edited by deacongirl; 09/07/12 08:07 AM.