My DD9 was an early reader and once she started preschool and realized that other kids her age couldn't read she started pretending she couldn't either. She went from reading and writing complete sentences (reading entire Dr. Suess books) at three to "not remembering" the sounds the letters made at four. Um, riiiight.
We managed to trick her out of it. My Dad said to her one day "please pass me that Coke" and she said "it's Pepsi." Dad: "no it's Coke!" DD: "nooo... it's PEPSI. See? P-e-p-s-i!" Dad looked at me and winked, and I remember thinking he still had some old parenting tricks up his sleeve ;p
Maybe later at home when your daughter couldn't read "free water" it was because she suddenly felt self conscious?
Last edited by CCN; 09/05/12 10:50 AM.