OP your post made my blood pressure soar - I can relate BIG TIME! My DD's issues with color charts and punitive behavior management systems have been well documented on these boards. Suffice it to say that we have not (yet) gotten a diagnoses of PTSD but all - professionals and school personnel alike - agree we are dealing with "a post traumatic stress situation" after DD's initial *horrible* school experience with this type of teacher.

All I can say is listen to your gut. No this is not just typical for second grade. It is however typical for a poorly trained teacher who has not educated herself on better classroom management techniques. I think the important question is how is your child responding to this? My DD, then in K, reacted immediately by begging not to go back into that classroom, having nightmares, crying in her sleep, etc. By the time I was able to get her classroom changed she had completely shut down. Full blown anxiety as a response.

Good luck! And as I said trust your gut!

Last edited by Pemberley; 09/02/12 03:20 PM.