Totally fascinating thread! I have always thought of myself as highly visual (and am definitely absent-minded), but I never had the "great disappearing homework" issue. My DH and DS make me crazy, however, with their inept ability to find things right in front of their noses. I can only imagine how this will play out for my ds in school.

Polarbear...I am totally going to use your emailing suggestion with my ADD teen clients - brilliant.

Slightly tangent but related (maybe?): I am an artist, and one interesting fact I studied is that part of the reason most people draw so poorly is that they draw what they THINK something should look like, not what it actually looks like (for example, a foreshortened object will appear vastly different such that you must draw it as if it was something foreign).

Anyway... wondering if this visual discrepancy skill can be taught? My ds adores I Spy books...but he still can't find his soccer shoes in his closet. I always chalked this up to learned helplessness ...maybe that's not all that it is.