When I say "Gaming" I'm referring to face to face gaming such as card games, table top games, role playing games such as D&D and Pathfinder, etc.

I'm glad though that others have brought up online gaming. While we often can't find a ton of other kids of similar intellectual interest / ability in our own home town, one often can online. That's a double edged sword I've learned though. Being an old fart I digital age and socializing never consisted of online anything, however, I've come to realize that it's a huge part of the current generation's socialization and online gaming is often the digital socialization of choice, especially if you're like our family and live all the way across town from the school your kids go to.

So what the other edge of the sword? Monitor addiction. After a while they often cease seeking actual face to face socialization, it's a lot less effort just to click to see who's online. Not only that but people often have an alter ego online and can get away with it, not so in face to face socialization nearly as much. It's for these reasons I encourage gamers to seek their local gaming store. Development of face to face social skills and community.