Originally Posted by marytheres
Also, does anyone have any tips on how to talk with DS about his having this? Without him feelign broken or defective. How do I tell him about his having these diabilities without destroying his confidence?

I tell my DS8 that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses and that he's no different. Where he has a weakness and another child has that strength the reverse is also true in another area: there are other strengths he has that other kids have as their weaknesses, etc etc. He seems ok with it.

Originally Posted by marytheres
I am glad I am finally getting accurate labels and diagnoses rather than him being labeled with (and possibly medicated for) various disorders that he does not have. It frightens me how easily that could have happened and would have happened, if I were not the way I am (as annoying as "the way I am" may be to various people).

I hear you. We have that diagnosis (ADHD) but I take it with a grain of salt. Some kids benefit from meds, but DS8 is not medicated because I question the diagnosis. Docs can have whatever opinions they want - it's up to parents to educate themselves and decide for themselves whether or not they agree. The docs may have more experience with more kids and more education in this area, but no one knows our kids the way we do.

Last edited by CCN; 08/22/12 09:08 PM.