An update of sorts. I called the district coordinator for the G&T program. The schools offer the Cogat in September for qualification purposes for the program, in addition to filling out an application and getting recommendations from teachers. I wanted to know if my dd didn't take the Cogat if that would affect her ability to get into the program on her WISC-IV from the private psychologist alone. The coordinator asked if she was near the 130 mark and when I told her the score she was pretty much speechless and said I need to call N**** at our school who is in charge of making sure kids' needs are being met and meet with her regarding my dd's score and she even said that sometimes a grade skip is warranted. I still don't know how I feel about that, especially since we have no achievement scores to see where she stands at the moment. I have really done very little with her at home. Everything is at her will/pace and decides on her own what she wants to do. So while she has done some advanced math I just don't really know what she is capable of. I do feel, however, that if she were instructed in a classroom at a faster pace and higher level she would pick it up very quickly.

While I'm very happy with her strengths and abilities I can't help but feel overwhelmed. My older dd who is 9 is dyslexic and I have been battling the school for months to get her an IEP or 504 and they have refused. My focus and energy has been on advocating for her. I just thought younger dd was a walk in the park, MG or very bright and schooling options wouldn't be an issue or cause for concern. Now I'm realizing she has been "dumbing" herself down to fit in and not striving for her potential and we have been seeing the aftermath of her frustrations at home in the form of temper tantrums and possibly her night terrors and sleepwalking.

So my plan now is to schedule a meeting with N***, dd#2's teacher, and whoever they feel should be present to just go over the psychologists report, recommendations, and dd's strengths and weaknesses. Maybe their opinion on going to 2nd grade for math will change after seeing the report.

Last edited by mountainmom2011; 08/11/12 03:28 PM.