I came by this thread while looking up other topics here on Gifted Issues. I was at Epsilon Camp 2011 toward the end of the program, as one of the presenters of parent programs, and will be there for the entire length of Epsilon Camp 2012, again working with the parent program. To me, one of the best signs that the program started well, even when it was brand new, is that about half of the families who attended last year are coming back for a second year of Epsilon Camp, and they have generally been talking it up favorably among the families they know in online networks we are mutually part of. My oldest three children are all too old for Epsilon Camp (my oldest attended MathPath, during one of the years when it met at Colorado College). I would be glad for my youngest child to attend Epsilon Camp, as a local friend of hers has.

I encourage the participants in Epsilon Camp 2012 to share been-there-done-thats here and elsewhere online so that parents can think about the trade-offs of participating or not on the basis of varied and complete information. During the camp, feel free to tell the staff exactly how you really feel about how things are going, as I expect the ongoing effort will be to improve the program continually in all aspects.

I'll see the 2012 participants by next week. Safe travels to all.

"Students have no shortcomings, they have only peculiarities." Israel Gelfand