Epsilon was a fabulous experience for kids who really love math. It would not be a good fit for a child who is not REALLY passionate about math. It would also not be a good fit for a child who is not ready to sit through 5+ hours of math a day in a lecture hall. Kids really need to have the emotional maturity/self control to be able to sit through five college-style classes a day. The instructors are university professors; they are not elementary/secondary teachers, and they do not have the classroom management skills of a schoolteacher. Kids who aren't able to self regulate in that environment are probably not great candidates for it.
It was a very intense camp, and I think most of the kids who went had an incredible experience. I do think it's important to recognize that there is not a lot of free time. The schedule last year was lectures 9-12, lunch 12:30-1, free time (or supervised lawn time) 1-3, lectures 3-5, dinner 5:30-6, and professor "office hours" and homework help (there were about 5 homework assignments) 6:15-7. Many evenings there was a 7:00 math activity (e.g. movie or origami). The amount and intensity of the activities was really invigorating for most of the kids, but it was also very tiring!
With all of those caveats, though, for kids who really love math, it's an incomparable experience for that age group. We've never found anything else that's even close to it.